Transport Statements & Travel Plans

We recommend that we are consulted at the earliest stage of the proposal, usually before planning permission is submitted. Then we can discuss and advise on the likelihood of you needing a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment for your proposal.

Travel Plans are often required for new major developments and sometimes minor developments.  These aim to help minimise the negative impact of travel on the environment and provide useful information available to users or visitors of a site.

Transport Statements are usually required for smaller developments.  Our  Transport Statements conclude on the impact of your proposed development in terms of highways and transport.  They consider the impact on the highway network and public transport facilities.  Unlike Transport Assessments, Transport Statements these omit modelling of the impact upon specific junctions.

Key considerations include the full scope of impact of the development on “person trips” – including journeys by cars, vehicles, public transport, cycling, walking etc.

By subscribing to the TRICS database system, we use research and carefully analysed data to make conclusions on the likely traffic movements that your proposed development would generate.

Contact us for a quote.

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