(LA) Landscape Assessment & LVIA

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Landscape Assessment (LA) & Landscape Visual Impact Assessments.

Landscape Character Appraisals (or Assessments) are required when you  need to understand the local landscape character of an area.   It results in an assessment report – that helps inform the planning decision and the impact of the project.   The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires proposed developments take into account the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.

Landscape Assessment (LA) a briefer report that provides an assessment of the site within the context of the surrounding area and includes:

  • a thorough desktop study of the existing condition and considers all aspects of the landscape.  It takes into account: The existing (baseline) condition, what the landscape impact of the proposed development will be,
  • Recommendations where landscape impacts are identified – aiming to hopefully suggest mitigation proposals to reach an acceptable level – in order to enhance the overall visual impact, and biodiversity of the proposal.

What is a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment? (LVIA) – It’s a more thorough assessment often needed for major developments or in a location where there might be significant landscape impact (eg: AONB). It can be very important in clarifying the developments impact on the landscape and what the visual impact will be.

Why do you need one? A well-prepared Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) can be key to planning decisions by identifying and weighing up the effect of your development on the landscape itself.  We can also advise on potential improvements – eg: screening and planting, the buildings design and positioning to take into account landscape impact.

We produce these as a separate documents or as an integral part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),


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